I felt like crying. I'd be sitting in the parking lot for nearly two hours before I even started work. And then, my car battery died. Ordinarily a pain, but with money as tight as it is, it felt even more looming. My partner was not answering the phone. I felt pretty alone in the world.
At work little things added up: the button popped off the sleeve of my shirt. Nothing seemed to go quite right, until about noon. I got my stride, but still, the morning stayed with me. I finally got through to my partner, who came and jumped the dead car, changed out the car seat, took the dead car to get a new battery and left the working car for me. People I worked with commented about how nice that was. It was. A huge load off.
I ate dinner at nearly 10 at night. I wish I could say the morning faded away, but it seemed like the day came around full circle. Sadness and things I can't control back with me at the end of the day. I'm so tired.