33 days and then some
That's what the counter on my iGoogle says. 33 days and then some hours and minutes and seconds attached. It's counting down until I am done with this crazy busy nursing program that thinks we can do 60 credits in nursing in one year. One year. I have 8 credits right now. 8 final credits to do in five weeks. And then I wait six weeks after August 15th, and I take the boards. And then I'm an RN?
If it doesn't get scarier than that, I will also be doing my transition to professional nursing rotation in the ER, by choice. Toward the end of this clinical, which is I remind you, in four weeks, I will be working somewhat independently. Who's scared? Definitely me. I can remember vividly in October trying to draw blood from a fellow student. I could feel the room spin and the dizzy feeling set in. Not from the site of blood, but the fact that I was sticking a needle into the vein of someone I liked. Now I'm going someplace where they are going to expect me to be able to do this.
Breathing deeply.
The best thing I think though is that in four weeks I may actually have time to blog again.
If it doesn't get scarier than that, I will also be doing my transition to professional nursing rotation in the ER, by choice. Toward the end of this clinical, which is I remind you, in four weeks, I will be working somewhat independently. Who's scared? Definitely me. I can remember vividly in October trying to draw blood from a fellow student. I could feel the room spin and the dizzy feeling set in. Not from the site of blood, but the fact that I was sticking a needle into the vein of someone I liked. Now I'm going someplace where they are going to expect me to be able to do this.
Breathing deeply.
The best thing I think though is that in four weeks I may actually have time to blog again.
Labels: Nursing, The "2nd" Career