Inch by Inch, Row by Row
How he grows: 

More than one person volunteered to take him home with them, but he's mine, my little Cricket, who is suddenly not so little, but a very sturdy wee man, who is two and loves to sing. We recited a litany of all his likes the other day before bed. Cricket likes, in no particular order: mommy/mama hair, trucks, books, clean sheets, salmon, Cheerios, playing outside, shoveling snow, the sandbox, comfortable pants, his evening tea, his bear, Tintin (who is not really Tintin, but instead Tintin's dog, Milou), driving, dogs, dinosaurs, singing-singing-singing, play-doh, painting, being Mommy's sous-chef, cupcakes, the Gaelic League, parks, letters (or as Cricket would say, "A-B-Ceeeees!), baths and swimming, his cats and sidewalk chalk. That's our short list.
My wee Irish Cricket.
On days when I am my most sad, I am still filled with this incredible awe at my child, his beauty, his little wisdom, the way his mouth rounds out when discovers something new, and his incredible capacity to take it all in, to learn, to love...
Good looking young man! Glad you are imbuing him with his Irish heritage.
or is it "imbueing"? Instilling?
Hi Katie:
He is divinely handsome. Great day for you to post pictures of Cricket wearing the Irish shirt. There's a bit of confusion in my house today due to lack of me doing the laundry. L is wearing an England rugby shirt, Ireland soccer shorts, Munster socks and green shoes. It's a great look!!!!
Keep the pictures of cricket coming.
He's such a handsome little guy.
I was thinking of you the other day. I'm putting all my old and current blogs into one mega blog and was reading a post that mentioned you from March 2006. It's hard to believe that was so long ago, but at the same time so much has changed.
He is gorgeous!
The other day Matilda woke up from a nap and immediately started chatting away. I think she was describing what she'd been dreaming about (though I suppose it could've been an episode of Sesame Street or something...but I prefer to believe she was recalling her dream). She said, "Mommy, I sing ABCs with the baby duckies."
I could not think of a more perfect, innocent, completely uncorrupted mind than one that would dream about singing the alphabet song with baby ducks...It made me realize just what a positive affect living with someone who sees the world like that has on everyone around her.
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