Wednesday, February 02, 2005

State of the WannaBeMom

Here's the thing, in list format:

  1. I am a total political animal/geek. Last term I taught a class on the election and it was easily one of the best classes I have ever taught.
  2. I can't stand GWB. I make no bones about this.
  3. On the one hand, it will kill to me not watch the State of the Union address. If I don't watch it, for approximately forty minutes starting at nine pm, I will be constantly wondering what inane thing GWB is saying.
  4. On the other hand, it will kill me to watch it. If I watch it, for forty minutes, starting at nine pm, I will be rolling my eyes at the applause from the floor, and constantly thinking I should have put the DVD of The L Word on. I haven't seen any of The L Word yet and I am sick of being outside this particular lesbian loop.

Oh, what to do, what to do.... ??


Blogger LilySea said...

I told myself I'd skip the t.v. version and read the text today.
But I'm glad I watched, because the dems BOOed him! First time that ever happened, as far as I know.
That would certainly not make it into the transcript!

12:18 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

If you read the transcript at NPR, it says in several places, "Noes are heard."

NO? They were boos!!

I agree that was great. But I scared my parents dog, who I am watching, with all my wild gesticulations and yelling at the tv screen.

Yeah, I am glad I watched too. I'm in process of commenting on that now.

12:20 PM  

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