Introducing Cricket

Scary NICU picture. Or How I Would Rather Forget the First Few Days. Or Not What I Imagined. Or This Sucked. Or This Is Why I Would Cry While Pumping My Breast Milk. So, yeah. And after being in the NICU, I know there have been babies who were smaller and had it worse and all those things, but the thing is, at the time, all you can really do is think about your kid. I prayed for all his little NICU mates too, but here was my baby. After a few days of the CPAP, Cricket removed it himself. The CPAP is what is on his head-- I think it says a lot about the kid to note that he took this contraption off. His nurse at the time said she'd worked 17 years in the NICU and had never seen it happen before. At that moment, Cricket became a little NICU prodigy. My boy. Also, at this point, he was still Cricket because Partner and I had not decided on a name. One might think with 42 hours of labor, we could have completed that task, but it didn't happen. So Cricket he remained.
Swollen, Bloated Katie Kangaroos Cricket: If you've been in the NICU, chances are you particpated in some kangaroo care, which is where you do some skin to skin contact with your baby. The first time I got to do this, it was after a day when Cricket had been really struggling all day and the nurse thought KC might help. He was still on CPAP then, and I was so scared holding him. I sat there for three hours: my ass was killing me, my incision was on fire, I had to pee, but there was no way I was leaving until they kicked me out. After that, kangaroo care became part of our daily routine. Here in this picture, it's clearly after Cricket is off all the scary stuff and just on the regular monitors and NG tube.
I think with this picture you can appreciate his full beauty, even with the NG tube in. I loved the little white tee shirts he wore in the NICU. One might think I would hate them, but they were cozy and clean, and cute. As for the NG tube, we kept it and it's in his keepsake box. He repeatedly pulled the tube out, and I could never bring myself to watch them put it back in, but there it was, and since ultimately this tube helped us get our Cricket home, I thought it was important enough to keep, along with his little umbilical stump. (Yes, I will keep this-- It was what attached his little body to mine. How could I throw it away?

I wish there was perspective here so you could see how big his feet are, and he has these really long beautiful fingers too. Pretty much, we think he's perfect.
Labels: Cricket
He is GORGEOUS! So glad you are all home.
Beautiful baby!!!
Hey, you really weren't exaggerating - he's really beautiful!!
I'm so glad he's know home safe and well with you both. I hope those horrible, scary parts of those first day memories start to fade real soon.
Good Christ, woman, you're making me cry my eyes out, here.
He is SO BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to meet him! cute! That is the best-looking newborn I've seen since my last one :-) Can't believe you saved the tube--gawd, if I'd saved every one of the Very Small Animal's pieces of durable medical equipment I'd have to rent a storage unit to keep them in, LOL...I am so, so relieved that Cricket is home and cuddled up with you and Partner where he belongs. From the ambiguity (I think unintentional although maybe not) of your description of his dx I wasn't sure how sick he was or why they were keeping him, and I kept thinking "I hope Katie is holding her baby!" at random moments throughout the days. I love the picture of him snuggled up against you--look at that happy little sleepy baby face! He doesn't look nearly as happy in the one where he is sleeping in the bassinet :-) So sweet.
And: Paddy? Sean? Seamus? Um...this will drive me crazy. seems like you just came up with that nickname for the embryo that was giving you subchorionic bleeding, and now there he is. Robust, indeed!
Congratulations, mamas!
He's beautiful!
Oh, wow, Katie. You and Partner made one beautiful baby! As long as blogger can handle it, lots of pictures, please.
And yes, I want to scoop him right up. Maybe some day I'll get that chance.
oh those little dudes in the NICU can be strong...our little one at 4lbs 4ozs (got down to 3 1/2 lbs) finally had to be "knocked out" for 48 hours because she was darn near pulling out the respirator tube..(little brat!) and she NEEDED IT...that along with her first "offical" hospital picture of her giving everyone "the bird" (we didn't realize it until we saw the photos) should have made me realize what i was getting myself into..yes my girl at 6 is feisty and full of it..Cricket is adorable...enjoy him while he is seeems like yesterday that I was bringing her home from the NICU
He's so beautiful! When my Baby G came out he looked like a mushed up banana-head... heh...
Praises for the two moms and a darling little boy.
Yay! Happy (and relieved) to know Cricket is home and healthy. Congratulations to you and Partner.
He's beautiful! I'm so glad that he's all better now! The NICU is a scary place, but they do work miracles there.
And you look WAY younger than I expected.
He is gorgeous! So glad the NICU stuff is behind you, but glad you kept the NG tube. Soon enough you won't be able to remember a time when he needed it. Save a diaper, too--it will amaze you how fast he grows. My former four pounder is already in a size 5 diaper--when did that happen?!?!
Congratulations--you and Partner made a beauty!
Hooray for your little miracle. Cricket is absolutely beautiful! Isn't being a mom to your new baby the best thing ever?!
Hooray! He is BEAUTIFUL!
And you are "wannabe-mom" no longer!
Yay, he's sooooo gorgeous! :-) Almost (only just a smidge) makes me want another one.
Presleigh extobated herself at 8 hrs old so they left her that way and she graduated to prongs immediately.
Proper Irish Lad's name hmm? Thaddeus? Shaemus? Shaun? Why do all the Irish names I can think of have "u"s in them?
More pictures!
those toes!!! so effing cute.
So happy that you are all home.
Cricket is beautiful.
He is very very beautiful, katie, I'm so very happy for all three of you.
He's so beautiful! Thanks for sharing these.
How perfect he is! You two have made such a beautiful boy. Happy homecoming! -Kate-
He is beautiful. Mia's feet and fingers and toes are exceptionally long as well. :o) I agree with Liza--seems like only yesterday we were emailing about subchorionic hemorhages. Now Cricket and Chickie are here...wild, huh?
the NICU sounds so scary, but Cricket is beautiful and seems like quite a fighter!
I am so happy for you and Partner, and your families. What a little blessing you've welcomed into you lives!
Hooray for you and Partner and the very beautiful boy! So glad everything is going well and that everyone is safe at home.
Glad everyone is home now. He is one great looking kid. Kind of looked like an astronaut there for a while with all those tubes coming into and out of him. Congratulations again to you both.
I am in LOVE! I need a break from school work and teaching to see this handsome little man.
Miss ya,
Oh Katie & Partner, he is just gorgeous! I am so ecstatic for you both and your little family! Congratulations on all your efforts to bring this little guy forth. It makes all those injections worth it, doesn't it? Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. I look forward to reading about your parenthood! : )
Your little man is home. I am so happy for you and Partner. He is soooooooooooooooo gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Congratulations-You made it!!
I agree with the crowd. It is truly adorable! I love the one of Cricket peeking out from his blanket!
He's gorgeous! Congratulations!
Bastard blogger ate my comment!!!
He is totally gorgeous. I have that same pack-n-play. so I have a good perspective - he does have big feet! Too funny :-)
I love the picture of the two of you. SO sweet.
If you're up for sharing, I would like to see the c-section pictures - I got a good view of mine because of the fortuitous placement of glass-fronted cabinets, but no pictures...
What a gorgeous little boy! (And very precocious too!!!)
Beautiful! So glad everyone's home and doing better. More pictures!!
sooooo soooooo adorable! so happy that you are all home, safe and sound. whew. blog title coming?
You're right, he is a beauty!
Wow, what photos. The nicu one with all the gear is really shocking.
Glad everyone's home and well and settling in.
I am so glad that you are all home. I just remembered that I promised to send you a sling and never did. Do you still want it? Let me know and I will send it post haste.
i don't even know you, this is the first time i have visited your blog (found it through the other mother) but here i am all teary-eyed. what a precious baby! it must be so wonderful to be home with him, after all of that. congratulations to all of you. it looks like he picked the perfect family to join.
He's adorable!...I love the peekaboo blanket picture.
Absolutely amazing.
Ah, the adventure!
Congratulations! He's absolutely adorable!
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